Barely knitting
All my time is consumed by my family and the fundraiser that I am chairing. I cannot tell you how many businesses that I have called. Most small businesses say yes. Most chains say no. I need to go to Walmart, Sam's Club, Target etc and fill out forms. I also have a list of places to fax. I know that Walmart and Sam's give to local causes. I will seriously consider whether or not to shop at a business that says no to all local fundraising. That includes a lot of places at the local mall and the factory outlet mall I drive to regularly that is 20 minutes from town.
Well back to the unhappy teething baby. The family is starting to refer to him as Sunny. Sunny is a character in a Serious of Unfortunate Events.
Well back to the unhappy teething baby. The family is starting to refer to him as Sunny. Sunny is a character in a Serious of Unfortunate Events.